ASCII Art paint release 7 Braille

ASCII Art paint release 7 Braille

Added function to export images to Braille.

Using the analysis of the original image, the algorithm matches dark and light pixels with eight dot Braille characters, This method better captures the contours and details of the original image and is suitable for high contrast images (like black and white manga comics).

This implementation uses Unicode characters (U2800 to U28FF) and is therefore incompatible with ASCII counterparts, and braille characters are missing in many fonts.

The popularity of the ASCII Art Paint tool is skyrocketing, with its GitHub rating already climbing to over 100 stars. and he got a lot of articles on websites and blogs about programming and graphic design.

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Files 15 kB
Jun 07, 2022
ascii_paint.html Play in browser
Jun 07, 2022

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