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Need a version of the visual novel engine in AppImage format.
This file format is a portable version that can be run on any Linux distribution.

Hello again! I wonder if it's possible to access the go to block inside javascript? I'm thinking of an interface button that leads you to specific scene according to some variables. While using choice is probably close enough to this, I'd like to keep it clean and only use choice when necessary, mostly because I'm planning to use the generated dialogue script with another engine for an experimental project of mine ^^

Thank you, and have a nice day!



go_to("block_name") - Go to an specified history block by specifying its name in the block_name parameter.

Hello. I may have run into a problem with Tuesday's zip archive creation.

I tried to add music to a test game. However, when I package the project into a zip archive for play testing, the resulting game does not have music. When the zip archive is created, the .mp3 file name extension is stripped away from the names of the game's music files. The file name extension must be manually added back to the music files.

I use the Android version of Tuesday, on a laptop that runs on ChromeOS. Is this supposed to happen? Has anybody else experienced this problem?

Thank you for reporting this bug. It will be fixed in a future version.

Thank you :D

Hi, here are some questions I'd like to have an answer.

1. Know how to fully customize a dialogue board? I have my board drawn but I cannot change it for the one already done for the program.

2. know how you could vary between dialogues? try to use variants and their values but it didn't help me much.

3. customize the options. Someone knows how to do that? the only solution I had is to put a picture behind the options but it was very ugly when exporting it.

That's it for now, the truth is very good the engine and I'm doing Spanish-speaking tutorials about the engine. Also doing my own game and I want it to look good.

(1 edit)

I think you will find the answers to these questions here:

Step 11 : Launch scene edit

It serves me, I use it, but I mean there's a slight change of dialogue after making several decisions before.

The idea is that I want the character to be able to react as many times as they have been badly answered.

For example:

If it's once serious "oh, you don't seem to like it" and if you're done several times say "oh, you don't seem to like it yet" alternates the dialogue through how many times we treat it with indifference to the character.

I hope my doubt is understood, the translator can misinterpret some words from Spanish to English.

Perhaps I misunderstood you again, but what you described sounds like an element of "Legacy choice". this It allows you to change history branches based on values from variables.



Each element in the scene has a setting called "Display conditions" - an additional setting of conditions for showing or hiding an object in the scene relative to the values in the variables.




Thank you so much for this!

I'm making my first game with this!

It's very easy to use so i would recommend for beginners

Se pueden agregar cinematicas o videos?

se puede publicar el juego creado en otras plataformas como itchi.o?

Se pueden agregar peleas rpg tipo omori o mother?


Puedes agregar videos, pero el audio no se incluirá. Deberá agregar el audio como un archivo separado.

El juego se puede publicar en

No hay forma de crear peleas estilo RPG con conocimientos básicos de cómo utilizar el motor de novela visual. Probablemente necesites saber cómo escribir el código para una batalla y luego agregarlo al bloque de historia donde quieres que se lleve a cabo la pelea. No puedo ayudarte con esto porque no sé codificar.

Lo siento si mi español es difícil de entender. Estoy usando el Traductor de Google.


Hi, I would really appreciate assistance with one last thing.

What I intend to do is set up a token system where, if a player has read through a certain piece of dialogue or said yes to something, a token is set to "true". In other parts of the game, if the token is detected to be "true", a new button will appear. This is so that the player has to unlock the next chapter before reading it, or to add a new item to the character's inventory.

I've managed to do this before in the Quest game engine. Here is a photo of the script I used to do this.

Here is a copy of the script from the Quest game engine:

if (HasSeenPage(Chapter1Page1)) {

  AddPageLink (Chapter select page, Chapter2, "Chapter 2")


I have tried to do this with variables in Tuesday. Here is a screenshot of the variable I tried to do this with.

^ In the block, where the token will be set to true once the scene has been seen

^ In the menu where variables are made

Would this be a functional translation to code for Tuesday?:

if (HasSeenBlock(Block1Scene1Dialog1)) {

  Add.button{border-radius:8px;backdrop-filter: blur(12px);text-align:center;} (MainMenu, Block2, "Chapter 2")


Lastly, do I need to make any additional variables, to account for if the token is set to "false"?

not "true"; / token1="true";
correct simply true

It is better to use numbers 0 and 1.

to check use the element "legacy_choice"

The Choice and Art elements have a show or hidden function depending on the value in the query.

assign function to variable TuesdayJS won't allow


Thank you so much for helping me again! I'm really grateful for Tuesday and all of the help you've given me!


 I tried to use basic HTML in the text editor, but it sanitizes the input and strips away the characters I use. In other words, it gets rid of the "<" and ">" characters, and my code won't work without them. Is there a way for me to stop the text editor from stripping away the "<" and ">"?


Hi! I admire your persistence in finding a solution to this problem.

It so happened that standard html tags do not work for several reasons, such as text animation and custom tags (variables and ruby), but the most important thing is that people who are not familiar with HTML do not break their project by using special characters in the text.

Despite this, I found a way to partially solve this problem. you can add the necessary tags to format the text in variables

It will look like this:

By adding the tag name as a variable name without brackets and their value with brackets (there is an option to add a style right away), you can use them in the text as regular HTML tags (without attributes like style, align and class).

I'm not sure how well this will work since the engine is not designed for this type of use.


I can't thank you enough!!! It was very important to me that I could make each character's name their colour! After some tweaking with the code you gave me, I even managed to make custom HTML tags for each character! I made this small test with the variables I made! Thank you very very much!!!!! I'm really happy with this!


Hi, I need some help. I wanted to see if I could use HTML to bold, italicize, underline, and have different text colours in one text box.


This is what my code looks like inside of the block.

  1.  This is what the code looks like inside of the text editor.
  2.  This is the code I put into the scene's HTML reader.
  3.  This is the preview for the scene, as seen from within the scene editor. The text looks as intended.
  4.  However, when I run the actual code in the block, this is what it looks like.

Please keep in mind, the code used to bold, underline, italicize, and change text colour is the only experience I have with HTML. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Hola, me acabo de descargar el programa en android y también lo e usado en el navegador, y no se cómo poner los archivos de mis imágenes 

¿Alguien podría ayudarme? quiero crear el VN desde una tablet android

necesitas crear una carpeta y luego colocar todas las imágenes de tu VN (fondos, personajes, etc.) en esa carpeta. esa es su "carpeta de trabajo". (Mantengo mi "carpeta de trabajo" en mi Google Drive, pero lo más probable es que las carpetas de Microsoft o de su teléfono también funcionen). Cuando el programa le pide que seleccione su "carpeta de trabajo", debe seleccionarla, que se cargará. todo, desde la carpeta hasta el sitio web. Además, cuando desee guardar el progreso en su VN, el sitio web creará un "archivo .JSON" para usted. deberá colocar este "archivo .JSON" en su "carpeta de trabajo", para poder acceder a su VN la próxima vez que desee agregarlo. Si hay más de un "archivo .JSON" en su "carpeta de trabajo", el programa le preguntará en qué "archivo .JSON" desea trabajar. Estoy usando el traductor de Google, así que lo siento si no pude explicarlo muy bien.


Hi!! I wanted to ask if there was a way to assign different textboxes to different characters? I also wanted to know if there is a way to make a save menu with multiple save files.


I have to say that i love the engine. 😁 I'm using my phone with Sketchware Pro to make an android version of my game and i even put admob in my game (using javascript to communicate with the native app and then showing the ads). Your engine is great 🥳

Hello, so not all blocks but a few times when i try to edit certain block this bug happens where after i click scene edit it opens the scene edit page but freezes like this with wrong stuff on screen. 
(1 edit) (+1)

Problems with the option "go to" "next scene

"Go to" it's not going to next scene. It's just active going if I choose another block. Something I doing wrong?

in this case there is no need to use "Go To", at the end of the scene the story will automatically switch to the next scene.

How do you make a Main menu ? Like start contine all that stuff?


Use buttons and choice, it will be redirected to the next scene.

Deleted 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I can still not figure out what the hell am I doing. Is there somewhere in the tutorial that I'm missing? The main menu is kind of the important part of any game So you can save and reload all your gam3s I'm so confused  😭


You can see how The main menu is made in the sources of these games:

Step 12 of the tutorial describes how to make the main menu the default

Ahh Ok sorry for my mistake! Thank you vary

Hi! I’ve sent you an email since it has a lot of screenshot of it, the problem is simple but I still struggling on it! Any help would be appreciated ! :)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago


can i make fade-in transitions?

Deleted 20 days ago

Hey I just made fade-in and out css file.
you can download the file from here ->

The css file has five fade-in out functions. add a string to class as you want;

fade_in, fade_out

fade_in_up, fade_out_up

fade_in_down, fade_out_down

fade_in_right, fade_out_right

fade_in_left, fade_out_left


1. Open the fade.css file from project setting - css styles file - open fade.css

2. Add strings to class

3. Enjoy!

*ah, if you think fade in and out time is too long, you can open the file and adjust the time. ex) animation: fade_out 3s; -> animation: fade_out 1s;

wow!!! cool!!!


oh wow! thats cool! but how do i change the transition color? because the transitions were white. I wanted to do black color transition. example: fade out black


I have a simple question, how do we open two instances of Tuesday js windows version? I want to work on my project while looking at example project. Thanks

Hello! Thank!

I'm sorry but this is impossible.  but you can open the example in the browser version.


This  is truly awesome. Although I downloaded it several months ago, I only recently had the time to use and learn it seriously in the past two weeks. I'm very impressed with its ease of use and the simplicity of its user interface. Even though it took a bit of time to get accustomed to the interface, it was quite easy to do so. Thank you.


Hi, I have a question (it may sound a bit silly) but, how can I make transitions from one scene to another? The same with the images that I put in the scene, because when I try to put a transition it doesn't work.

Ps: I so fascinated with your program :D

Hello! Thank!

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no function to animate the transition between scenes.

in the screenshot you set the transformation time for identical objects in successive scenes. Perhaps the parameter does not work because of the "s" symbol. seconds are used by default

Here is published the source code for Tuesday JS game with a lot of animations:

OOOH muchas gracias!!! (thank you so much!!)

Hello ^^ how can i skip the text animation before going to another line?

if I understand you correctly, you can turn off the animation by setting the "Dialog speed" parameter to 0


Thanks for the reply. But there is a way to skip dialog if It's running and go to next dialog if it's finished?


Hello! I had a pretty simple question that I couldn't find any answers to. there's an earlier post from a few years ago on this comment section that is related but I can't get it to work. would it be possible to help me understand the style css feature? I'm rather new to coding so if it could be explained to me in a way a toddler could understand that would be great--specifically a hover command is something I'm looking to understand. thanks!! :)


For the hover function you need the :hover CSS event

Step 1
go to the global css styles section

Strp 2

Come up with a name for the style, be sure to put a dot in front of the name to indicate that this is a style class that can be applied to multiple objects

Add curly braces and write css options inside them.

Create another class with the same name but add :hover after the name. Inside the curly braces, specify which options you want to change on hover.

Strp 3

To apply a CSS class to an object, simply specify the class name in the object's properties in the Class Name section. Multiple classes can be applied to the same object, separated by spaces.


thank you for your response! Unfortunately I keep running into a problem with the global css style section, I've tried the example you provided and a few others but it doesn't apply, I click back onto the code edit and the code is gone! is there anyway to fix that? Thanks :]

(1 edit)

I'm sorry! the missing code is a bug in the latest version, at the end of the week I will publish an update that fixes this bug.

or you can use the latest stable version on GitHub right now:


Thank you for your guidance! I appreciate your time :]

I added an example with a demonstration of hovering over an object


Hi ! I have a question. Would it be possible to add an html reader in the block or scene setup ? 

Hello! Yes! 

Thank you !


i think it would help if you made multiple tutorial videos on your channel explaining how to use the software for newbies  i have not used this at all yet but its hard to find resources online other than this one. plus video tutorials are heckin professional so if fine time to do it that would be awesome. 

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi, sorry for destrurbing, can you help me?

I downloaded version for steam and do all steps by tutorial, but preview button dont do nothing. The button just dont respond or dont start anything. I tryed again from start and another ways to make test novel but preview dont work at all...

"Run Block" buttons also dont work.

If it helps in any way, I was able to build the project as HTML and run it. On a gray screen without pictures (although they should be because they are loaded and displayed at project), present "start" button, after clicking on which "Hello World" is displayed and nothing else happens, although I made all as an tutorial and then there should be text and a choice.

I have not encountered such a problem before, perhaps something is blocking the execution of from the editor code. Such actions may be caused by antivirus programs or ad blockers.


Hello Kirill ! I made an android app with android studio, your instructions were really helpful. I had some problems when building but I managed to solve them.

I published it on my page :) 

Good job!


Thanks !


Hello there,

I´ve just found this engine and downloaded  it.  I did look around in it.  It is very intuitive and and has a nice and  clean interface, but I´ve noticed some things I wanted address and ask about.

1.  I was unable to find an option for localization in to german which is actually the only other language the I speak apart from english.

Did  you just not implement it  or did you use a different  abbreviation from the usual international DE that usually is used?

2.   By creating the .JSON file I noticed that the file will get  saved to  the Downloaes folder on my PC and not in to the working folder that  I have specified in order to create the project.

Is there a way to change where the JSON file is saved?


2. Saving to a folder is currently possible in the Desktop and Android versions, but not in the browser version.  

1. There is a DE language, but it is named as "German".  I was also confused by this name, but it is present in many lists of languages that I have seen.  "Dutch" is listed as "NL Nederlands" 

I don't know why this classification, if there is a mistake then I need help understanding this problem in order to fix it.

DE  is  short for the the actual name  of the Language which in german is  Deutsch german is only how it´s called in english an d mots other languages But we call our language Deutsch due to our nation being called Deutschland. That why it´s DE instead fo GER.

The issue with the saving of the JSON File to my downloads folder is Via the Windows Desktop version not the browser one. Thus It would be nice if you could tell me how I can specify that the .JSON is saved in the actual project folder I´ve created instead.

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+1)

hello, Kirill
How do I apply the plug-in on the engine?
I've seen the update, but I don't know how

if you are talking about the "Terrain map" plugin, then it is automatically disabled

Deleted 1 year ago

"Create APK file on an android device, without using PC"

There are online services for converting a zip archive html to apk, but I can’t recommend a specific service. there are difficulties with the publication of such games in GooglePlay

"how to make smooth transitions of character sprites?"
Yes, in the sprite settings there is an "animation" section, in which you can set the "time transform" and for the specified time there will be a smooth animation of changes between the same sprite objects. You can do this using "Opacity" option and two sprites.

"only one folder is needed, in which all the resources are located? Can't split into folders?"
There can be any hierarchy of files in the working folder, but the editor will display all files without folders, I understand that this creates difficulties, but this problem will be fixed in the future.

I have a problem.

In scene content, I can't open scene edit, text edit, and other. Then in arts, I also can't adding an image.

It can't open when I click. But, when I open settings scene, I still can open to select.

Yesterday, the problem had no appeared. It start today.

The editor can work offline and does not have a connection to the server. You need to restart the editor.
But this error probably appears after some event, If there is information on how to reproduce this problem, then I can fix it.

Deleted 1 year ago

When choosing a working folder for a project, the editor automatically finds all the graphic files that are in it (png and jap are supported).

If you make changes to a folder, then the editor may not recognize this, in which case you need to update the contents of the working folder here:


Thank you.

(2 edits)

I do have same issues (note: I have different folders containing my assets on it PNG, mp3,JPG) and directory file to the selected assets seems fine but I can’t contain every file on html (resulting to not displaying anything but the original UI and I have the customized one) but on the preview, it works. I’m currently working the largest project I’ve been working on >100 mb. Also I’m Xiaomi user, Android 10. Sorry to spam you but I’m really want to figure it out

Hello! The screenshots show that you are using the android version.
If you use HTML export, only an HTML file with links to resources will be created. resources will not be added to html.

If you need html with resources, then try exporting to base64 (but 300 MB is big size)

Android 10 or higher, you will not be able to run html file in the browser on Android due to file access restrictions, try running it from a PC

(1 edit)

Thank you for your response! But I have tried to export in to base64 and resulting to this:

Yeah I think the file is too big but otherwise I could extract zip instead.


Hello,  sorry to disturb you.   Tuesday JS starts perfectly at first on my pc and  android, but  many functions don't work after 15-20 minutes (I can't add a scene or  can't click on the "+" in the block at all). Maybe it's the minimum requirements for a computer or mobile? PC version tested in different browsers, almost the same) Thank you.

Thanks for the information about the problem, it is unlikely that this is related to the time of use, most likely the error appears after using some function.

Can you describe what you did before the problem appeared?

I just started the project, made some blocks, added one sprite and some dialogs. I didn`t enter variables and something else . And the buttons in the blocks are simply not pressed. I read on one site that maybe Tuesday JS is only supported by 64-bit Windows, but I have Win 7 x32 on my laptop.

By the way, the buttons and sandwiches at the top and bottom of the block itself are pressed, unlike the buttons inside the scenes.

(1 edit)

Everything has already worked  in the mobile version,

(1 edit)

The web version can work on a 32-bit system, Probably the browser is overloaded with animations and the number of objects.

try enabling lines in settings


Thank you, it works. I tweaked something in the settings.

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

Decided to give this a try again after my lack of understanding, and i can say that it's much better now. I have some questions, though:

- Is it possible for the exported result to be locked in specific orientation? (Ex. landscape)
- Is there some sort of cheat sheet for scripts like the username? I find it inconvenient to switch from my project to the example projects haha

- I can't seem to make the ui i made look consistent, is there a way to do that? I hate it when my ui looks squished when i tested it in the mobile version...

Also, multiple save file option would be nice for more branching stories... Just a thought.

That's all i can think of at the moment, thank you for this neat engine

  1. I don’t know if can lock orientation to landscape or potrait, but you can set a fixed size in the setting when uploading html5 game, so the size will be consistent in various device

This feature is already available:


So good :D
I'm a little overwhelmed but I played around with exporting and I can already see the potential of what I can do with this~

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